1 review for Jelly Bomb – Orange (80mg) Sativa
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Wherever your happy place is, our Sativa Jelly Bombs will take you there. They’re great for many uses like sparking creativity (feel like Bob Ross), unwinding from the day (enhancing your binge watching netflix abilities), and making you feel like a kid again (regardless of how long it’s been).
Uses: Stress | Pain | Lack of Appetite | Fun
Effects: Euphoric | Energetic | Uplifted | Creative
Each Jelly Bomb is infused with 80 mg of THC derived from a sativa dominant cannabis strain (8 x 10 mg THC servings each).
All of our gummies are lab tested and hand wrapped for quality assurance purposes.
Disclaimer: Cannabis affects all people differently based on factors like genetics, physiology and lifestyle. How an edible affects others may not affect you in the same way.
Side effects may include: giggle fits, spontaneous interpretive dance, and getting along unusually well with your family members.
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
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You are required to be the age of 19+ in compliance with Canadian Laws as we do not sell to minors
You are required to have a valid Canadian shipping address (to ship your package)
You are required to have a Canadian bank account (to send your payment)
All parcels are handled with extreme care and we ensure that you parcel does not contain any odors to ensure guaranteed safe delivery.
Shipping generally takes about 1-3 business days to majority parts of Canada. (Based off of Canada Post)
*Please note depending on your city (usually smaller populations) will be 3 business days. *
The post office is closed Saturdays and Sundays. All orders placed from Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday will be shipped out first thing Monday
The best time to order is preferably the weekend or Monday/Tuesday if you wish to achieve the order to arrive the same following week.
Currently, we only accept Etransfers in which you can find more information on how to send one Here
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Cras eget congue orci, in finibus erat. Etiam gravida ante id diam ultrices maximus. Aliquam pharetra non nunc vel luctus. Maecenas non purus sed sapien faucibus mattis. Nulla vel mauris lorem. Sed at odio rutrum, porttitor sem id, accumsan nisl. Fusce ipsum nibh, posuere non turpis vel, dignissim ornare purus. Aliquam aliquet ex varius arcu ultrices, id venenatis mi iaculis. Aenean sagittis semper lacus sit amet malesuada. Sed sem magna, fringilla sed lectus efficitur, luctus egestas tortor. Nulla vitae enim hendrerit, condimentum nunc congue, ullamcorper magna. Praesent ut tincidunt elit.
Sed vitae tincidunt nisi, venenatis placerat magna. Maecenas elementum ultrices libero, consectetur vehicula est ultricies id. Nam eu fringilla felis. Curabitur tristique mi magna. Cras in sem suscipit, malesuada leo sit amet, tempor magna. Vestibulum lacinia dolor sed massa aliquam euismod. Donec nisi magna, facilisis ultrices commodo at, iaculis ultrices dolor. Maecenas id nisl pellentesque, eleifend velit a, auctor elit. Vestibulum eu odio sapien. Sed scelerisque purus quis maximus placerat. Nulla ultricies tempor ante eget hendrerit.
Cannabis Edibles
Cannabis Edibles
Cannabis Edibles
Cannabis Edibles
Jordan B (verified owner) –
My fav! I love the orange twisted extract gummies